Early Childhood ProgramMadison Preschool program is an open enrollment, first come first served, 5 day a week fee based program. There is a $65 non refundable registration fee due at time of registration. Half day option of 7:30am-12:30pm, School Day option 7:00am-3:00pm and Full day option of 7am-6pm. All students must be in attendance 5 days a week by 8:00am for instructional time and must be fully potty trained. Children must be 3 by August 31st, 2025 in order to enroll and cannot attend until their 3rd birthday if their birthday falls between 8/5-8/31.Child Care Program
INVEST-Full Day KinderMadison Elementary School District offers full-day kindergarten at all of our elementary schools and K-8 Traditional Academy. Fee-based full day programs are offered at Madison Simis, Madison Heights, and Madison Traditional Academy. The fee is $215 per month. Camelview and Rose Lane provide a full day option at no cost. Full-day kindergarten is an extension of the state’s half-day program for math and language arts. The Madison full-day programs provide a deeper understanding of language arts, with a focus on the literacy elements of phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, science, and social studies. The full-day programs also provide an enriched experience in the arts.Students are grouped for literacy according to their academic needs. Those who meet district benchmarks are placed into an enriched group as described above, and those requiring additional support in literacy receive intervention. For tax credit donations to be applied to your INVEST fees please click here. Receipts must be emailed to along2@madisoned.orgChild Care Program
Madison Adventure ClubThe Madison Adventure Club (MAC) provides a safe, affordable high quality before and/or after school care program by trained staff for Madison School District students in grades K - 8. Madison Simis, Meadows, Heights and MTA programs are not licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services (DHS). High quality before and after school programs can positively support greater engagement in learning and increased academic achievement. Research indicates that after school programs can help students behave better in school, encourage higher educational aspirations, improve attitudes toward school, and have a greater sense of belonging in the community. The MAC Program strives to support students to be successful in school, at home and in life. Program Fees Fees are due on the 1st and 15th of every month starting July 1st, 2025 and ending on April 15th, 2026. https://www.madisonaz.org/families/before-and-after-school-programsChild Care Program
Madison Summer CampChild Care Program
Spanish Summer CampCategory